Recursos encontrados: 10

Neural Basis of Mind-Body Pain Therapies (11/11)

Online Continuing Education Series. NCCIH - Free online lectures

In this lecture divided into 11 chapters, Dr Bushnell explains which brain regions are involved in pain processing and pain modulation; describes the effects of chronic pain on the brain and how psychologically based therapies influence these effects; discuss the differences in how emotional state and attentional focus alter pain; talks about the CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) as hy...
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Terapias Mente-Cuerpo, Relaciones Metafisicas Mente-Cuerpo, Dolor/psicología, Empatía, Terapia Centrada en la Emoción, Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual, Estimulación Encefálica Profunda, Terapia por Acupuntura, Hipnosis, Meditación, Yoga, Efecto Placebo, Terapia de estimulação

International Perspectives on Acupuncture Research (10/11)

Online Continuing Education Series. NCCIH - Free online lectures

In this lecture divided into 9 chapters, Dr. Claudia Witt describes key aspects of clinical research on acupuncture; discuss examples of studies that have been done on acupuncture’s safety, effectiveness or effects; identify various factors that scientists believe contribute to acupuncture’s therapeutic effects; name important areas for acupuncture research in the future.
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Acupuntura, Dolor de la Región Lumbar/rehabilitación, Dolor de la Región Lumbar/terapia, Terapias Complementarias, Terapia por Acupuntura

Manipulating the Pain: Chiropractic and Other "Alternative" Treatments for Back Pain (7/11)

Online Continuing Education Series. NCCIH - Free online lectures

In this lecture divided into 9 chapters, Dr. Deyo describes at least three methodological challenges in studying complementary, alternative, or integrative treatments for low back pain. He describes the overall results of randomized trials of chiropractic manipulation, acupuncture, and massage for low back pain and key considerations in assessing cost-effectiveness of complementary, alternative, ...
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Terapias Complementarias, Terapia por Acupuntura, Acupuntura, Quiropráctica, Masaje, Dolor de Espalda/terapia

Clinically Relevant Herb-Drug Interactions: Past, Present, and Future (8/11)

Online Continuing Education Series. NCCIH - Free online lectures

In this lecture divided into 11 chapters, Dr. Gurley explains about the factors that contribute to herbal interactions, pharmacodynamic mechanisms, pharmacokinetic Interactions; identify factors that contribute to the risk for herb-drug interactions, and describes how new technologies in supplements and drugs may impact herb-drug interaction.
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Ephedra/toxicidad, Interacciones de Hierba-Droga, Fitoquímicos, Farmacocinética, Suplementos Dietéticos

How to Map the Dynamics of Your Brain - From EEG to BCI (5/11)

Online Continuing Education Series. NCCIH - Free online lectures

In this lecture divided into 10 chapters, Dr. in He talks about the brain-computer interface and how mind-body awareness training can have an impact. He demonstrate the study results on using imaging techniques to map the brain and aid clinical diagnosis and treatment of disorders and he explains how to understand the need for high spatial-high temporal resolution neuroimaging to map the human br...
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Ingeniería Biomédica, Interfaces Cerebro-Computador, Procesamiento de Imagen Asistido por Computador, Psicofisiología, Electrodos/22074, Electroencefalografía/psicología, Electroencefalografía/22074, Imagen por Resonancia Magnética/psicología, Neuroengenharia , Eletrodos de Eletroencefalografia (EEG)

Tranceformation: Hypnosis in Brain and Body (6/11)

Online Continuing Education Series. NCCIH - Free online lectures

In this lecture divided into 10 chapters, Dr. Spiegel talks about the nature of hypnosis, how hypnosis can be utilized in the treatment of patients with comorbid psychiatric and medical problems, understand the brain basis of hypnotizability and its use in the clinical setting.
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Hipnosis, Analgesia, Percepción, Relaciones Metafisicas Mente-Cuerpo, Psicofisiología

When Experts Disagree: The Art of Medical Decision-making (4/11)

Online Continuing Education Series. NCCIH - Free online lectures

In this lecture divided into 10 chapters, Dr. Groopman and Dr. Hartzband present practices that were little outside the range of what part is conventional medicine and the challenge an interest off building science around this practice. In front of several controversies both in the medical literature published through guidelines and available in the media, on the prevention and treatment of vario...
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Relaciones Médico-Paciente, Sistemas de Apoyo a Decisiones Clínicas, Disentimientos y Disputas, Controvérsias em medicina, Decisão no tratamento, Discordância médica

Social Regulation for Human Gene Expression (3/11)

Online Continuing Education Series. NCCIH - Free online lectures

In this lecture divided into 10 chapters, Dr. Cole presents his research and study about the biological pathways by which social environments influence gene expression by viral, cancer, and immune cell genomes. The emerging field of social genomics has begun to identity the types of genes subject to social regulation, the biological signaling pathways mediating those effects, and the genetic polym...
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Expresión Génica, Medio Social, Estilo de Vida, Conductas Relacionadas con la Salud, Factores de Riesgo, Interacción Gen-Ambiente

Change Your Brain by Transforming Your Mind (1/11)

Online Continuing Education Series. NCCIH - Free online lectures

In this lecture divided into 8 chapters, Dr. Davidson presents the research broadly focused on the neural bases of emotion and emotional style and methods to promote human flourishing including meditation and related contemplative practices. An overview of studies conducted in laboratory on neural changes associated with different forms of meditation that might change specific brain and behavioral...
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Conducta, Encéfalo, Psicofisiología, Meditación/psicología, Terapias Mente-Cuerpo, Síntomas Afectivos, Relaçao mente corpo

Towards psychobiotics: the microbiome as a key regulator of brain and behavior (2/11)

Online Continuing Education Series. NCCIH - Free online lectures

In this lecture divided into 9 chapters, Dr. Cryan presentes the studies involving animal models, early-life microbiota manipulations, and probiotic administration in adulthood. Their research has shown that gut microbiota is essential for normal stress, antidepressant, and anxiety responses. Dr. Cryan will discuss his work as well as the concept of critical windows of time early in life when the ...
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Tracto Gastrointestinal/microbiología, Trastornos Mentales/dietoterapia, Microbiota/fisiología, Conducta, Probióticos
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